Sleep apnia is quite common and it is said to affect more than 12 million people in America. It is common for those who suffer from sleep apnea to be male, overweight, and older than 40 or any combination of those. However, it is one of those sleep disorders that anybody can suffer from it including children.
Sleep apnea is the result of a blocking of the airway in the rear of the throat while you sleep. There are other kinds of apnea which include a type where the brain does not signal the muscles to breethe and another type where both the throat is blocked and the brain fails to signal the muscles. Sleep apnea can be very dangerous as you can imagine.
Apnea causes many nights of poor sleep for people who are afflicted with it. During an apnea episode, the brain luckily arouses the person and they are able to again begin breathing. Although this happens almost all of the time, there is always that fear that the person will not resume breathing and damage will be done.
If sleep apnea goes untreated, it may cause high blood pressure, difficulties with memory, headaches, weight gain, and other problems. If you suffer from sleep apnia, it is important that you get it under control so that your life will be normal. Cures do exist for sleep apnea but many people continue to suffer from it and never go for treatment.